Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why does a bright neutral hurt your eyes?

The retina does not feel any anguish.Why does a bright neutral hurt your eyes?
The ciliary muscles in the eye minister to in adjust the size of the iris,in turn helping the cornea and the aqueous humour to regulate the amount of muted entering the eye. the retina consists of light sensitive cells- rods and cones.rodes respond to neutral while the cones respond to colours.when a source of bright light is present,it is tricky to control the amount of light entering the eye.the rods do their work,while the cones cannot due to the dignified intensity of light.As the amount of table lamp entering the eye is not under control and as it is not regulated,bright frothy hurts the eye..
When you look at bright light your ciliary muscle contracts hastily so that can be painfull a bit, maybe

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