Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why do family put cotton ball surrounded by in attendance aspirin bottles?

Why do family put cotton ball surrounded by in attendance aspirin bottles?
cotton wool is used in closely of different medication bottles, for a variety of reason.
(1) It takes up space and protects the tablets from crashing together - which may smash up the enteric protective coating, or the powdery nature of some tablets.
(2) Air and moisture can effect some medication, the cotton wool can help near this.
(3) When the bottle is opened (especially ones beside "child proof" caps the tablets can spill from the bottle, cotton woll keep them in the lower wedge.
(4) Tablets cannot "rub together" when packed within tightly, again damaging the coating.
so when the bottles travel the pills don't break. the cotton help preserve the coating on the pills
Cotton balls are put surrounded by aspirin bottles to absorb moisture. This will hang on to the tablets dry.
no body cares if their asprins break because you enjoy to count them everytime you take them any method
its to keep you pet from trying to bit you when you travel near them
to trap any moisture

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