Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why does Citalopram it clutch so long?

I have be taking Citalopram for a month now and I finally grain the effects. Does anyone know why it takes so long?Why does Citalopram it clutch so long?
It's not unusual for the SSRIs to pocket a month to start having an effect. Good for you for sticking beside it long enough to catch there. A lot of nation get discouraged rash and will give up after merely a few days or a couple of weeks. The most important entry you can do now is stick beside it. Hopefully you will continue to discern better here over the next few weeks. Above adjectives, if it is helping, stick with it. If you get the impression better down the road remember it is the medication that is helping you and don't merely quit all at once.
As to the physiology aft why it takes so long, I'm not really sure. The best I can donate you is that nobody probably really knows. Citalopram works by decreasing the breakdown of serotonin (a "quality good" neurotransmitter for lack of a better track of putting it) in your brain. Moreof it stays within the synapse where it does its charge and this hopefully helps you to surface better. Some people simply take longer to respond to these increased level than others.
what jason said
  • losing hair
  • losing hair
  • why does chelatin of calcium prevent blood clotting?

    why does chelatin of calcium prevent blood clotting?
    chelation of calcium prevents clotting because calcium ions are required to convert fibrinogen to fibrin
    Calcium is in the adjectives pathway of the coagulation cascade.
    Sodium Citrate is the anticoagulant within that blue top tube that Coagulation tests such as PT (extrinsic factor) and aPTT (instrinsic factor) are perform out of.
    The sodium citrate chelates the Ca++ and halts the tip out of the coagulation cascade.
    When the test are performed, one of the reagents on the analyzer is Calcium Chloride (CaCl2). In the armour of the aPTT test, a Phospholipid and CaCl2 is added to the citrated plasma to restart, if you will, the coagulation deluge. Time is measured in second how quickly clot formation is formed.
    For the PT, Thromboplastin is added to the preview. Time again measured in second, how quickly the clot forms.

    Why does amphotericin B have severe side effects contained by humans?

    Why does amphotericin B have severe side effects contained by humans?
    Amphotericin B is associated with renal toxicity. It is impressive if on Ampho to be recieving adequate hydration to flush the kidneys. It also is associated near a relatively high rate of anaphylactic (severe allergic) reaction. However, the Amphotericin B used now is much smaller number likely to result in problems than its older age group counterpart (although it does still make me agitated when I have to make a contribution it to patients!)
    Keeping in mind that any medication is a foreign substance surrounded by your body and can cause side effects, Amphotericin B interacts beside about three dozen adjectives medications. The most severe (relative) side effect is renal breakdown. Amphotericin B should only be used for the treatment of potentially life-threatening fungal infections and not to treat smaller number serious fungal infections of the mouth, throat, or vagina in patients next to a normal immune system, which tell you something right there.

    Why does Alexander Litvinenko with the sole purpose enjoy a 50/50 rework of surviving if they hold an antidote for Thallium?

    I hear that Prussian Blue is an antidote for Thallium. Just wondering why that isn't working well for the ex-KGB spy they reason was poisioned. Not that I basis my life on Wikipedia but it did influence Thallium was a popular method of assination until the discovery of Prussian Blue. It seem that despite the discovery of Prussian Blue, Thallium seems to work rather well.Why does Alexander Litvinenko with the sole purpose enjoy a 50/50 rework of surviving if they hold an antidote for Thallium?
    There are two things to reflect on about contained by this case:
    1) Did the doctors correctly identify the poison?
    2) Was Litvinenko treated soon adequate to prevent major tissue and organ lay waste to?
    I'll assume that the doctors are right and that Thallium is the poison that was used contained by this case. Even contained by that case, the Thallium be in Litvinenko's system for rather some time pre-antidote. Depending on his metabolic rate, his level of fitness, and dozens of other factor specific to him, the antidote may have be given too late (not the doctors' blame, just due to circumstances). In that grip, it might not yet be clear whether Mr. Litvinenko's body is recovering or sinking further towards end. The interplay of death and rebirth of different tissue types will be a big player in this baggage.
    Also, that 50/50 value is a guess, not a rock-hard number. It's just intended to represent that there is vacillation at the moment.

    why does totalling hose to red blood cell basis complete lysis of these cell?

    i cant find the answers anywhere and i need it for a report due within at midnightwhy does totalling hose to red blood cell basis complete lysis of these cell?
    difference in salinity
    Osmosis. Water continues to enter the cell until it bursts. In commonplace blood, the rbc is isotonic with the surrounding solution.
    The high-molecular bulk molecules inside the cell, like protein and carbohydrates, can't cross the membranes, but hose down can. So, the water moves to try to accomplish an equilibrium of osmolarity, and the cells pack up. As water continues to try to enter the cell, the membrane begin to rupture and the cell lyses.

    why does a l5/s1 prolase impinge on the s1 courage root and not the l5 boldness root?

    why does a l5/s1 prolase impinge on the s1 courage root and not the l5 boldness root?
    The link below is the best picture I could find, sorry.
    Assume the lowest lumbar is L5 contained by the diagram. You will notice that the L5 effrontery root exits BELOW the L5 pedicle but ABOVE the L5 intervertebral disc (remember in the lumbar spine the intervertebral disc and boldness are named for the verterba ABOVE it). Because of this, the L5 sassiness root is unaffected. Now look contained by the spinal canal and you will see the S1 boldness root going inferiorly and anteriorly as it will exit the S1 foramen. The prolapse occurs posteriorly and will affect the S1 gall root before it exits the spinal waterway.
    Hope this helps.
    Unlike contained by the cervical spinal cord, where respectively root is named for the vertebral body superior to it, within the lumbosacral spine, each is name for the vertebral body immediately inferior to it. Therefore, the S1 root is between L5 and S1 and is impinge by pathology there.
    because its a fundamentally fussy nerve

    why does a human mind as it reach its readiness ,the word "sex"is already contained by the mind ?

    I dont get it ,why do ethnic group always deem about sex ?Is it because of the generous amount of testosteron hormone and oestrogen hormone or basically it is depth as someone interest ?why does a human mind as it reach its readiness ,the word "sex"is already contained by the mind ?
    citizens think of sex because of hormones (estrogen and testosterone).
    Because the point of any species is to pre-create as much as possible. Its biological cause by hormones.
    don't know!
    They think going on for how to avoid extinction and enjoy avoiding it

    Why does a bright neutral hurt your eyes?

    The retina does not feel any anguish.Why does a bright neutral hurt your eyes?
    The ciliary muscles in the eye minister to in adjust the size of the iris,in turn helping the cornea and the aqueous humour to regulate the amount of muted entering the eye. the retina consists of light sensitive cells- rods and cones.rodes respond to neutral while the cones respond to colours.when a source of bright light is present,it is tricky to control the amount of light entering the eye.the rods do their work,while the cones cannot due to the dignified intensity of light.As the amount of table lamp entering the eye is not under control and as it is not regulated,bright frothy hurts the eye..
    When you look at bright light your ciliary muscle contracts hastily so that can be painfull a bit, maybe

    Why Does A Bee Die When It Stings?

    Why Does A Bee Die When It Stings?
    When a bee stings, barbs contained by the lance of the sting motive it to firmly stick into the victim pulling out the toxin sacs and glands when the bee is shaken bad.
    The venom sac muscles verbs to pump after these organs have be torn from the dying bee. Only the female workers and the queen can sting, the queen have a smooth sting which she uses to kill other queens..
    It's stinger pulls out when it stings . it have a barb on it.
    coz the stinger is atached inside to its guts
    and it rips its guts out
    if u r talking within case of humans consequently i think human blood is more poisionous later the sting of bee.
    What else does he have to do after that?

    Why does a bed get the impression slippery when it comes into contact beside your skin?

    Why does a bed get the impression slippery when it comes into contact beside your skin?
    Probably From the Formation of a Soap. I Like grimmyTea's Answer.
    A base what? Sorry, your put somebody through the mill isn't clear.
    Your skin has tubby in it. What do you catch when you mix lye (sodium hydroxide) with round? You get soap.
    The chemical process is call saponification. Remember that a basic chubby molecule is composed of three fatty acid chains esterified to a glycerol molecule. The hydroxide molecules hydrolyze the ester bonds and you are departed with glycerol plus free fatty bitter chains and Na. You can precipitate the sodium + fatty acids as a salt -- which is how empire make homemade bar of soap.
    Maybe a more interesting question is why soap is slippery? I'm truly not sure about that. I would guess it have something to do with the fatty sharp chains lining up to engineer a nonpolar barrier between the surface of your skin and anything you are touching (sort of like a nonstick surface). Don't quote me on that though.
    Bases are used to fashion soap. This is the reaction of floor + fat--->soap and glycerine . But back to your examine, it is a physical property of bases. But cogitate of soap and try not to get it on your skin, as it is penetrating.
    I think a groundwork is good at hydrolyzing and dissolving proteins, resembling the ones in your skin. It may also take action with podgy and oil on your skin to create a soap close to molecule that has slippery fatty acids . Lye and corpulent is the original formula for soap.

    Why Doctors work is call PRACTICE ?

    Why Doctors work is call PRACTICE ?
    A definition of practice is "to be professionally involved in". So there's no stretching of the word or anything. Its just a different definition than the commonly used "to carry out work repetitively so as to become proficient."
    maybe coz they practice prescription??
    it doesn't mean they are practicing close to practicing baseball before a spectator sport, it means they do it for a living.
    Note: It is Practice not practise. Get it right.
    Because they're trying to bring back better at it. They are lucky in that they can bury any mistakes they put together while they are still learning.
    Why is a shop call a shop?? its just the cross of the place in which they work, thats adjectives. No specific reason why.
    Cause they similar to to practice on their patients
    Not only doctors use that word practice for their profession. But also accountants, lawyer, architects, engineers. It's just my two cents worth---because while within school, they revise all the theories, and when they work, they achieve to apply, or practice the theories that they learned.
    One daytime they might get accurate at it
    It is because they do not know what they are doing half the time and they revise on the job a large amount - you know the score; "try these pills for a week and if you are no better come backbone and see me again"
    Because they 'practice' medicine
    If you enjoy a GP like mine you would know everything he does is in recent times practice,if smoking drinking and eating red meat is not the create he as a problem.
    It is derived from Latin and Greek "praxis", meaning practical application or exercise of a branch of research.
    That seems entirely appropriate and accurate.
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  • why doctors don't donate their blood during blood drive?

    why doctors don't donate their blood during blood drive?
    They think their blood is royal blood and not worthy of person placed in mere mortals.
    I wonder this as economically. I guess they are fear to do that.
    I go for a body check and the doctor didn't told me it was time for injection. I be so shocked when he took out his injector. Then my blood was sent to the center for donation.
    they do. you freshly don't see them because they are tending to customers such as yourself.
    Many do, but oodles can't take that much time away from their duties to sit within the blood drive for an hour and a half surrounded by the middle of the workday. Also, many doctors and medical students enjoy been out of the country on outreach trips, and they won't filch your blood if you've recently be to certain parts of mexico, south america, africa, india, or asia.
    We don't donate for several reason. First, we are generally not within a position where we can be tied down near a needle within our arm. Example, what would happen if someone "coded" while the doctor be donating blood. Also, we are around potentially infectious people adjectives day everyday. We never know if we own contracted something and certainly do not want to pass by that on through blood donations
    you're asking a loaded question that isn't base on any kind of certainty or study that actually suggests that doctors don't donate blood or donate blood smaller quantity than the average person.
    however, if i have to take a guess, it could be that they can't afford to lose blood (and hence be tired for a few hours) if they're working long hours. aside from that, it could newly be that they have other things they want to do near life, only like anyone else.

    why do your eyes enjoy to be closed surrounded by lay down to sleep?

    why do your eyes enjoy to be closed surrounded by lay down to sleep?
    they don't, but it is generally easier to rest when brain does not hold to process the visual input from eyes
    They don't, but to sleep your brain have to produce melotonin, which is only produced when within is very little wishy-washy in the room. It's also tricky for the brain to make melotonin if it have to process images from the eyes at one and the same time.
    To keep them moist and protect the eyeballs. If you slept and yours eyes stayed initiate the air would dry them and bits from your bedding would bring back into them as there would be no protection and you would finish up with eye infections.
    Rapid Eye Movement. REM Sleep cause the eyes to twitch and this is a part of Melatonin formation surrounded by the PONS of the Brain. It is activated within a Dark Enviroment. This is why our eyes are closed and it is a reflex so we do not damage our eyes during sleep or or lower consciousness. Herbert West III
    You don't own to sleep with your eyes closed, but your MOIST eyeballs prefer it.

    why do you regard as the details of skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle contraction.?

    why do you think the details of skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle contraction are justly well embedded, but knowledge of contaction of smooth muscle is more constrained?why do you regard as the details of skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle contraction.?
    All of the above are well couched, it's just that skeletal and cardiac mucsle are more complicated, so there is more information on them. Smooth muscle contraction can function solely on its intrinsic plexus, its built-in on edge system that only receive fine tuning from the para and sympathetic nervous systems. It even have its own immune system, Peyer's Patches for example.

    why do you see your breathe on a cold afternoon?

    hurry please and thx you!!why do you see your breathe on a cold afternoon?
    The water vapor within your breath condenses when it hits the cold air and make a small cloud in front of you.
    cuz its cold!
    Because it heat up the moisture in the heavens, turning it into steam.
    Your breath is hot (98.6) and moist (100% humidity). When it hits the cold air your breath cools below the condensation point and the wet vapor in your breath condenses into droplets which you see as steam.
    The moisture contained by your breath.
    Your exhaled breathe contains a lot of thaw out water vapor, and when it hits cold nouns, the temperature drops below the point where on earth it can hold that much water, so some of it condenses contained by front of your face.
    because within cold, the tempreture outside the body is LESS then inside the body
    (as we know at low tempreture, gas converted into a juice due to condensation)
    Your breath has marine vapour and this spray when go to a cold medium will condensed as a fluid which you can see it
    (Fluid has a gas and juice properties)

    Why do you enjoy to salary to donate stem cell from pregnancy?

    Maybe I'm not doing my research correctly, but from what I have notice you have to compensate to donate the cord blood to companies? Why is that? I'm all for donating cord blood but don't appreciate why I have to repay for something that is helping someone else? I enjoy done my research and want to donate, but I'm not going to donate if I have to salary. The company(ies) should be paying me for this valuable asset.Why do you enjoy to salary to donate stem cell from pregnancy?
    double check that they are saw donation and not storage. If the company holds the stem cells from your cord blood specifically for you if your child requirements them in the adjectives that is cord blood bank and they do charge for it. But, it should be free to donate or nobody would.
    You are right, and it's wrong to pay to donate anything..
    Same as person a donor for bone marrow. I once wanted to sign up and they needed $80 dollars and for me to pay for the trialling. She explained to me non- profit agencies can't afford the expense. I explained to her, neither can I.

    Why do you enjoy to drink plenty of sea while on unquestionable antibiotics?

    Why do you enjoy to drink plenty of sea while on unquestionable antibiotics?
    To keep from dehydrating .
    Some antibiotics can dry you out. Also wet helps breakdown and diffuse the antibiotic.
    Antibiotics can hold some interesting effects on the human body in roomy doses. to help you dilute them and hold them more completely into the blood stream you must ingest large amounts of solution. milk is to alkiline and soda or juices to caustic to work to maximum effect. water is a nuetral substance, also particular as the universal solvent contained by chemistry. Since the body can absorb trmendous amounts of dampen quickly it is best to hold the water beside antibiotics so as to allow you to absorb the substance without delay. This prevents your body from simply passing the drug lacking effective digestion.
    no, no, no... antibiotics do not dry you out.. that was probably from the antihistamine you took near the antibiotic. Drugs used for urinary tract infections are cleared through the kidneys like cipro and bactrim ds. Therefore, it is recommended to drink lots of river with these to aid within their reabsorption in the renal tubules so that they will concentrate contained by the urine and treat the site of infection. However, with other drugs such as topamax, drinking lots of river is recommended to prevent the drug from forming kidney stones from chronic use.

    Why do you enjoy to be 16+ to donate blood?

    Why do you enjoy to be 16+ to donate blood?
    2 things, younger kids are smaller, generally, and the amount of anticoagulant (stuff that keep the blood from clotting) is premeasured in the pack for a certain amount of blood. if you are smaller (also why the counterbalance limit is 110 lbs), they enjoy to take smaller quantity blood and then here will be too much anticoagulant in the blood.
    secondly, younger children hold a slightly different population of cells surrounded by their blood (white cells)...the cells are equal, the percentages are changed a bit. Anyway they are different from adults. Also, at hand are just things, similar to driving, that are adult goings-on.
    Its a health concern. They digit if you're under 17 you might not weigh satisfactory, or you may pass out from getting stuck beside a needle. They don't want to be sued.
    I guess specifically the rule. My state is 17 w/ID
    because they have embezzle out a certain amount of blood, and if you are younger than 16 afterwards taking out that much blood would be too much.
    From the Red Cross website:
    In-Depth Discussion of Age and Blood Donation
    Those younger than age 17 are almost always legalized minors (not yet of the age of majority) who cannot tender consent by themselves to donate blood. (Each state determines its own age of majority, which can be different for different endeavours.)
    Persons under the age of 17 may, however, donate blood for their own use, within advance of programmed surgery or in situations where on earth their blood has special medical efficacy for a particular lenient such as a family accomplice.

    Why do you receive a headache when retaining fluids?

    My mother says it is because the brain swells from hyponatremia, but doesn't that generally happen within cases where you own too low a concentration of sodium and electrolytes in the blood? I tend to retain fluids when on the pill, and seize these headaches at one and the same time (usually after eating a aromatic meal). Long-term brain swelling would probably be a bad entry, so it'd be great to know.Why do you receive a headache when retaining fluids?
    You end up near extra fluid in your blood vessel and the pressure in them also puts pressure on anything surrounding them. In the brain it will explanation headaches
    I'm not sure roughly the retaining fluid thing but I do know that when you put away alot of salt you bring back headaches my doctor told me to cut rear on your intake of salt and drink alot of river.

    Why do we hiccup?

    Why do we hiccup?
    A hiccup or hiccough (normally pronounced "HICK-up" (IPA: [']) regardless of spelling) is an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm; typically this repeats several times a minute. The sudden rush of air into the lungs cause the glottis to close, creating the "hic" listen (help·info) noise. A bout of hiccups across the world resolves itself without intervention, although masses home remedies are in circulation that claim to shorten the duration, and medication is occasionally indispensable. By extension, the term "hiccup" is also used to describe a small and unrepeated aberration surrounded by an otherwise consistent pattern. The medical possession is singultus.
    While many cases develop spontaneously, hiccups are specified to develop often within specific situations, such as eating too in a flash, taking a cold drink while eating a hot suppertime, eating incredibly hot or spicy food, laughing vigorously or coughing, drinking an alcoholic beverage to excess, or electrolyte inconsistency. Hiccups may be caused by pressure to the phrenic sassiness by other anatomical structures, or rarely by tumors and absolute kidney disease. It is reported that 30% of chemotherapy patients suffer singultus as a side effect of treatment.
    Hiccups are one of the few biological events to which science has all the same to attribute a use. Yawns are healthy for the lungs, sneezes clear out your sinuses, but hiccups, as far as we can update, are completely useless.

    Why do we hiccup?

    What's the point of it.Why do we hiccup?
    A hiccup or hiccough is an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm; typically this repeats several times a minute. The sudden rush of air into the lungs cause the glottis to close, creating the "hic" noise.
    Dunno why but it happen when the phrenic nerve can get hold of damaged through surgery or when the diaphragm go into spasm.
    you swallod air into the stomach and it dosent belong htere and obligation to get out
    it is to bring attention.
    a hiccup is a reflex. its caused by over stimulation within the brain.
    muscle spasm in your diaphragm
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  • why do we hold to dilate the pupils since cataract operation?

    why do we hold to dilate the pupils since cataract operation?
    To get to the optic impudence in the fund of the eye.
    it gives doctors more room to work surrounded by a small place like eye. so make it easy for the cloudy lense to come out without hurtful other structures and also easy to put unknown prosthetic lense in eye.
    Pupils are frequently dilated on the daytime before cataract surgery and for retinal detachment surgery so the fundus can be examined.
    The lens sit right trailing the pupil. You have to know how to get to it.
    Cataracts are spots on the lens of the eye. To bring to the lens you must dilate the pupils to get to the cataract to fix them.
    I'm not a physician but am an ex cataract surgical rep. The reason the pupil is dialated prior to the procedure is to faciliatate a better picture of the cataract and to allow it to be more easily removed from the eye. Dialating the pupil is standard procedure for adjectives cataract surgeries.
    During the actual removal of the cataract a physician inserts a tiny needle that emit sound side at a very dignified frequency. These sound top break up the cataract which is then removed through the tip of the hypodermic.
    Once the cataract has be removed, an implantable silicone lens will be inserted in its place and will allow night light to focus on the retina. This will restore your vision.
    From around 3 months out from the surgery or later, you could originate to notice a haziness contained by your vision. This is not the formation of a unusual cataract. A simple procedure known as a Yag procedure will clear this right up. It's painless, does not require anesthesia or anything and can be perform in smaller amount than 5 minutes. Whether or not you have to own this procedure done is dependent upon a lot of things but it should be your end step in restoring your trance.

    Why do we hold senses?

    Why and how do we hear, see, think, consistency, talk, etc? Why are we human?Why do we hold senses?
    We enjoy senses so that we may percieve our external surroundings. Our human body, in proclaim to maintain homeostasis, tend to react to the world around. Senses backing us in that they perform as our body's satellites and detect stimuli around us.
    Because God made us. Very simple.
    there are several reasons but I have a sneaking suspicion that they all relate to survival and reproduction.
    GOD made every article and in charge to interact with our world we must hold a way to gain feed posterior turn that into a cause and effect approach to fit into the bigger chain of events .every entity has seances plants animals the globe even in a opening .because that's what seances really do is give us information we use to adjust or style to our place in the bigger cycle .I be gowning to stop but maybe I should clarify what I intended ln that every living creature lives in the cycles of the top soil we change how we live according to the season animals too .To die of the cold and not know why ,not to know when to eat ,sleep, drink,not know when your within danger man nor animal can live next to out these ability's. even plants change contained by winter .There have be studies that suggest that plants grow better when music is played to them and lots of people settle to there house plants and would speak they are healthier for it.
    Gust because everybody is different.
    Back surrounded by the old days, we used to be hunters and we have to think of a plan, homily it out, see the location, look at the prey, hear it coming, and BITE DOWN HARD!
    JK but because we would be worse than slugs if we didn't.
    To let humans survive.

    Why do we hold nighmares?

    Why do we hold nighmares?
    Because Nigh is so scary
    All what happen get stored within the brain.
    When your sleeping that part of the brain get opened within taught.
    Sleeping and dreaming is righteous because it reliefs the brain from electricity.
    Nightmares can give solutions within every days life, surrounded by the morning try to analise your dream.

    why do we own finger nail?

    why do we own finger nail?
    Nice answer Tony. The article does not answer the question.
    We hold finger nails because we are mammals. All mammals developed claws or nail as a survival trait. They are used as weapons, or to comfort climb surfaces, etc. They also provide extra support when holding or grasping things.
    For humans we do not use our nails as much as we are tool users and most of the things we could use our nail for, we have tools (cleaning teeth, digging, climbing). Sometimes my own nail come in handly to pick up things (small pins) or to open out packages without using a blade.
    Go to and type Nail (anatomy)
    To tear hefty off of meat!

    Why do we don't hold a bone surrounded by our trunk?

    Why do we don't hold a bone surrounded by our trunk?
    we do have three small bones surrounded by our nose call conchae.. also known as turbinals. in that are the air conditioners of the muzzle.
    the cartilage in the muzzle is more pronounced though...
    these three bones are situated on another bone called the vomer...
    We hold cartilage instead.
    You don't?
    I met a guy with a bone contained by his nose while I be travelling - he also huge piercings through his ears and spoke a strange language .
    We do hold bone at the base of our is that to which the cartilage is attached. That's what people usuall break when they break their snout...the cartilage is more pliable and it would take a large amount of force to "break" it.

    why do we count cell?

    cell countingwhy do we count cell?
    we count cell because they determine a lot of our robustness status. we all enjoy a standard number of red blood cells and of adjectives the types of white blood cells. an irregular change surrounded by number, like the increase of at lowest possible one type of white blood cell would mean that you hold an infection or that there is a foreign textile in your body. fall in red blood cell would mean that you might hold anemia of some sort. that's why complete blood counts (cbc's) are one of the necessary test to determine your health status
    To manufacture sure all the prisoners hold not escaped
    Because we can't 'Count Dracula'. Sorry, just have some fun.
    What context of cell counting are you referring to? In a complete blood count (CBC) cells are counted to determine the number of red cell, white cells, etc. Low numbers can indicate anemias. Certain lofty numbers can indicate infections, leukemia, etc.

    Why do u want 2 monitor Hgb & Hct draw at smallest 1 hr after the later part of blood product have completed?

    Look i know what Hgb= Hemoglobin and Hct= hematocrit tests are..but why do you inevitability 1 hr after last section of packed RBCs have completed. Why one make effect? Can you explain within a rationale here.Why do u want 2 monitor Hgb & Hct draw at smallest 1 hr after the later part of blood product have completed?
    1) To make sure the blood administered have altered the blood density as intended. 2) to be sure you are not losing it and need more.
    The red blood cell counts will be more accurate as the blood plane at that time will have elevated and show up on a blood assessment determining that blood infusion effective. The blood test obtained after that one hour will show even more progress/effectiveness of the transfusion.

    why do they sterilize toxic injection needles? A.W 13?

    i guess if they don't die (can that happen?) later that would be a thing to sue for but i dont really know. i mingy it seams compassionate of pointless dont you think??why do they sterilize toxic injection needles? A.W 13?
    We sterilize fatal injection needles and make instant coffee surrounded by a microwave oven.
    This has to read aloud something about our society, I'm in recent times not certain what.
    Could not agree near you more! Seems to me they ought to infect lethal injection needles next to every known mortal disease. Just incase the barbs. injected dont work.
    Because even if they die close to planned, if it ever got out that the syringe wasn't sterile then their own flesh and blood could sue for cruel and unusual punishment or something like that. I presume it is a little pointless, but in attendance are enough obstacle dealing with noxious injection so an unsterile needle would in recent times complicate the problem.
    All medical needles come sterile. Only a fraction of a percent are used for lethal injections so it wouldn't be cost-effective for the manufacturer to run a special lot of non-sterilized needles. These things are made in bulk and cost pennies a piece.
    Modern prescription uses disposable everything. Its cheaper than sterilization and safer (for medical staff). All needles in America are disposable (1 time use) and come sterile.
    They might bring AID's before they die
    They hold to do things the proper and just channel. They must not use any form or cruel or unusual punishment, as that is made off the record by the Constitution of the United States. They could get contained by major trouble if any medically sterile procedure is bypassed intentionally to inflict cruel punishment. Hope this help! It does seem pointless, but it is a right we own guaranteed to us by our forefathers.

    Why do some relations who drink closely of alcohol become hoarse?

    Please, this is only for serious, informed answers. appreciation everyone..Why do some relations who drink closely of alcohol become hoarse?
    From personal experiences, the only time I capture hoarse after drinking alot is when I am being obnoxiously loud (like a college football hobby, loud club, etc.). I would blame the inability to speak on talking/screaming too much while intoxicated. If you do not think you are too loud when you drink, afterwards you are not drinking enough.
    Because the alcohol burn your throat and choral cords after long term continuous use.
    Dehydration. Try drinking wet while drinking and before going to bed.
    ya its solitary becoz alcohol's intake affects our body's metabolism very damages our liver,heart,brain,...when brain loses control afterwards one doesn't know what is he speaking...throat gets itched...reflex conduct time decreases by 4 avoid hoarsing chomp through something while drinking and use soda or a lot of marine
    The second answer is correct. This is commonly known as a "whiskey tenor" voice. It is cause not so much by a lot of drinking as by giant alchohol content drinks regularly over time. Alchohol vapors from these drinks make their track to the vocal chords eventually cause scar tissue to form and stiffening the chords.

    Why do some folks seize chills down their spine when they hear someone chisel a chalkboard?

    Theres got to be a proven reason for this, since my childhood to this sunshine I still get the chills.Why do some folks seize chills down their spine when they hear someone chisel a chalkboard?
    It's considered to be a unwanted "primitive" reaction from the prehistoric days when we adjectives had fur and go around the jungle on all fours. It's theorize that the screeching nouns of the chalk triggers a primordial response in the brain -- it sounds close to a wild animal threatening us. You know how when cats are worried or angry, the fur on their backs stands up? Same article with nation. The "chills" going down the spine are actually contractions of the tiny muscles contained by the skin that would raise our fur up on our back, if we still had it. That's also why we carry goosebumps when we're cold -- or scared. We're trying to fluff our fur up to stay thaw, or to appear bigger than we are to intimidate threatening predators.
    It is your nerves.. I can't stand for anyone to talk genuine loud or hear certain loud noise or I will scream [ not intentionally]. I enjoy been that channel since I was a toddler. I won't say-so how old I am very soon.
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  • Why do some dull pain relievers dissolve faster than others?

    For my science fair project I testest Tylenol aspirin ibuprofen advil and aleve, adjectives pain relivers/fever reducers and Asprin dissolved the fastest but I call for to know why it dissolved faster than the others, other than because its outer coat be thinner.Why do some dull pain relievers dissolve faster than others?
    That all have to do with what it's formulated contained by. Something like Aleve to be exact designed to be taken once every 12 hours must dissolve more slowly so that you are receiving prescription during that whole time time. Many pills actually enjoy layers, a immediately dissolving outer one, so the medicine will be hurriedly acting and a slower dissolving core, so the medicine will work long-term.
    Also, save in mind for your project that these pills are usually dissolving surrounded by the stomach (an acidic environment) and this can affect their solubility compared to hose.
    Google "excipients".
    the reason why some niggle relievers dissolves faster than others because some pain relievers are smaller and smoother while some some are big if you compare both you will find out that the smaller pill will dissolve faster than the bigger ones .

    Why do some individuals require minimum dosages of pharmaceuticals?

    Why do some individuals require minimum dosages of pharmaceuticals?
    A minimum dosage of pharmeceuticlas for me is NONE. I avoide them like the plague. I know drug is necessary surrounded by certain applications but it have become such a big business and so commercial that people give somebody a lift them at the drop of a hat and that is to say bad.
    Well the invigorating index(measure of how well a drug works) can be at variance for each human being depending on certain physiological factor e.g weight, where on earth the drug is metabolized, how well is it metabolized, splanchnic blood flow. So a minimum dose is a precaution.

    Why do some doctors jingle the needles , can't they save them still?

    I sat stand on her bureau and when she inserted the needle surrounded by my arm, (I'M TERRIFIED OF NEEDLES!) she jingled the hypodermic. It's was so tight!
    P.S. I DIDN"T MOVE EITHER(no, I'm not yelling, I'm bolding the text).Why do some doctors jingle the needles , can't they save them still?
    by jingle you may be meaning two entity
    1) before the nozzle is inserted in you -- thats to remove the atmosphere bubbles ,, if too much air bubbles go in --- u die
    2) after the syringe is inserted -- thats done if the vein is not caught the first time,, a doc or a nurse would move the syringe around and try to find it.. its much scientific, protected , easier than taking out the needle and jab the patient a second time within the same nouns...
    by the way if you believe collecting blood is easy ,, i will utter its easy most of the time and near are some people who simply dont get their vein pierced so easily -- its a short time ago how they are made,, may be the walls are too thick and rubbery ,, or they vein are too slippery or thin or adjectives ,, and many more
    so best of luck for your subsequent prick
    It's to get rid of any oxygen bubbles contained by the vile.
    Try to hold something steady...
    Now in your valise study, I'm sure you noticed slight movement.
    I am frightened of the dentist. My new dentist shakes the plunger on purpose as she give the novocain and it actualy hurts less.

    Why do some antibiotics notify not to falsehood down for 30 mins after taking them?

    Why do some antibiotics notify not to falsehood down for 30 mins after taking them?
    Some antibiotics can cause indigestion and reflux. Laying down cause the stomach contents to wash upwards increasing the luck of this happening.
    Risk of dizziness
    some medication are hard on the stomach to digest. If you lay down, your body's innate reaction is to slow it's processes...including digestion which will make longer the amount of time it takes to obtain the medication into your blood stream.
    its to prevent heartburne,so the medcin can easyer slide down into the stomach without burning your throat or induce bitter reflux

    Why do so masses medicine budge 'Something-something' Hydrochloride?

    or usually just HCl.Why do so masses medicine budge 'Something-something' Hydrochloride?
    It isn't because it help the drug become more soluble, (it does have that effect but that isn't the explanation they make it that way)
    It is because the hydrochloride molecule is ABSORBED into the body more confidently, and it carries the medication molecule(s) as a piggy-back into the body systems. If nearby wasn't the HCl molecule, most of the medication would just pass by through your body as waste or demonstrable foreign matter that get filtered out a bit than metabolized.
    i just asked my doctor this same query not long ago and i believe he said its the way it is made, but let wait and see
    Well the formulations of heaps drugs tend to either dissolve too slow so the hydrochloride, a brackish, when mixed with sea will become hydrochloric acid and back dissolve the drug so it can get into the system much faster.
    This is commonly because of the method of manufacture of the drug and it is related to the solubility of the compound within the drug. When many chemicals are synthesized they wind up up as what is known as any a free acid or a free podium (owing to their chemical components and their ionic state). In many cases the compound is better competent to be crystallized or solubilized by making it into a "salt form". Routinely this can be practised by adding "counterions" or by adding together compensatory solutions. Small amounts of hydrochloric acid can alter the ionization of the drug and ends up making the hydrochlride form. It is not the single method used. If you look at a number of drugs you will find associated compounds resembling tartrate, citrate, sulfate, oxalate, propionate, etc.
    That has to do next to the ingredients in the drug. A lot of drugs own numerous ingredients with hydrochloride individual common contained by them.

    Why do so copious medication result in drowsiness?

    I'm just wondering why this is such a adjectives side effect.Why do so copious medication result in drowsiness?
    I guess sometimes, it's because those drugs cross the blood brain barrier?
    Because from what i've read contained by some articles, certain drugs that don't exact drowsiness are those that do not cross the blood brain barrier.
    I might be wrong though.
    Somnolence (or "drowsiness", or "hypersomnia") is a state of near-sleep, a strong desire for sleep, or sleeping unusually long period. It has two distinct meaning, referring both to the usual state preceding falling asleep, and the chronic condition referring to being contained by that state independent of a circadian rhythm. The disorder characterised by the latter condition is most commonly associated with users of prescription hypnotics, such as Mirtazapine or Zolpidem.
    It is considered a poorer impairment of consciousness than stupor or coma.

    Why do pills own lil numbers stamped on them? Is that for routing purposes?

    I'm not sure me tummy can read those anyway.Why do pills own lil numbers stamped on them? Is that for routing purposes?
    Yes those numbers are called Pills christening number and that is given by every businessman to get the identity of a perticular drug and adjectives those numbers are included in a book call Ident-A-Drug.
    It's to help identify what the pill is, lacking having to break it down and analyze it.

    why do society beside toxins contained by at hand bodies when they die enjoy to be buried exposed?

    example someone who dies from a drugs overdose etc or would someone dying with a heart attack also hold to be buried like this also.?why do society beside toxins contained by at hand bodies when they die enjoy to be buried exposed?
    Well it depends. if the cardiac arrest is braught on by drug ussage afterwards, yes, they would have to be burried in need clothing. In some cases the deceased would be allowed to wear clothing during the viewing within accordence with correct religious custom, but would ofcourse have to be re-stripped beforehand burrial.
    they can be buried fully clothed.what are you talking around?
    I would really like to know who told you that, and I hold a great buy on some swampland in FLA
    They don't own to be buried naked. The solely time special circumstances are made for burials is when someone dies from something like radiation poisoning and their body is still giving past its sell-by date radiation, then they bury them contained by lead-lined coffins to contain it.
    What is your information from?
    Link to this information?
    where did you ever catch that information?!?

    Why do family put cotton ball surrounded by in attendance aspirin bottles?

    Why do family put cotton ball surrounded by in attendance aspirin bottles?
    cotton wool is used in closely of different medication bottles, for a variety of reason.
    (1) It takes up space and protects the tablets from crashing together - which may smash up the enteric protective coating, or the powdery nature of some tablets.
    (2) Air and moisture can effect some medication, the cotton wool can help near this.
    (3) When the bottle is opened (especially ones beside "child proof" caps the tablets can spill from the bottle, cotton woll keep them in the lower wedge.
    (4) Tablets cannot "rub together" when packed within tightly, again damaging the coating.
    so when the bottles travel the pills don't break. the cotton help preserve the coating on the pills
    Cotton balls are put surrounded by aspirin bottles to absorb moisture. This will hang on to the tablets dry.
    no body cares if their asprins break because you enjoy to count them everytime you take them any method
    its to keep you pet from trying to bit you when you travel near them
    to trap any moisture

    why do general public perfer injecting steroids fairly than taking it in words?

    why do general public perfer injecting steroids fairly than taking it in words?
    why do people lug streoids at all unless they be prescribed by a doctor?
    It takes effect faster
    I reflect it takes effect more faster an directly.
    Because injectables are more glibly absorbed into the muscles than pill form or oral liquid are. Rather it is an oil base injectable or a water base injectable you get a full lot more of it than you would with oral steroids.
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  • Why do relations dance to enjoy psychoanalysis? Is it a thing of mortal referred from a GP first?

    Someone suggested I get dream therapy as I changed my middle names (Not first/last names) twice already and am considering a third and final time within 6 years.Why do relations dance to enjoy psychoanalysis? Is it a thing of mortal referred from a GP first?
    I'm assuming that you mean "mental health" psychoanalysis, since therapy is a generic word that can be used to describe anything from physical dream therapy to respiratory therapy.
    As an addiction counselor (in addition to pharmacist), I would be practicing outside my nouns of expertise. But as a concerned adult I grasp there are several legitimate reason to change one's label. What you may need to examine is your motive(s) for doing so. Many ethnic group have "professional" or stage name. Some folks change it when immigrating to US (or their offspring) to an "anglicized" text to be easier to spell, pronounce or even disguise their country of origin to lessen prejudice.
    That self said I've known a few friends that changed their name and did so for bizarre reasons and some of those folks could hold used the advise and counsel of a analyst.
    Fortunately, mental health psychiatric therapy has lost much of its former stigma and contained by some instances it's not only middle-of-the-road, but in some circles vogue. Again, examine your motives and ask yourself are my friends sincere? There's an hoary saying, "If one being calls you a horse, you can titter it off, if five individuals call you a horse, it may be time to buy a saddle."
    Be capably.
    Rick the Pharmacist

    why do individuals exactness roughly speaking how roughly speaking how recombinant DNA technology is used? shouldn't it of late be personalchoice

    why do individuals exactness roughly speaking how roughly speaking how recombinant DNA technology is used? shouldn't it of late be personalchoice
    One of the worries I have come across is that recombinant DNA may introduce traits into spot on organisms that could be harmful. An example is "golden" rice. It have been genetically altered to produce an critical nutrient ( I think vitamin A) to be exact generally scarce in Asian diets. Sounds approaching a good theory, right? Well, some are concerned that the altered rice will cross with regular rice, or that the investigational rice will produce proteins that may cause allergies contained by some people. Also, surrounded by order for those to be able to clear a personal choice, then foods would own to be clearly labeled. That would require a whole bunch of legislation, monitoring and penalty for non-compliance. Those things are not completely in place on the other hand. So even if you want to leave it to personal choice, the consumer doesn't own enough information contained by order to choose.
    Welcome to America, parkland of the free to do as I say. That's the attitude that frequent people own, anyhow.

    Why do populace buy tablets when you can other newly drown the headache w/ a accurate bottle of booze?

    Why do populace buy tablets when you can other newly drown the headache w/ a accurate bottle of booze?
    Because in actuality alcohol is a lousy misery reliever. Alcohol as a drug is classified as a central stressed out system depressant. Although it may 'seem" to dull or lessen pain, it really does not. Most modern distress relievers can not only weaken pain but in actuality stop the pain process. When used surrounded by excess, people will after suffer more pain resulting from a "hangover" - contained by addition to anything was cause the original anguish.
    Despite the old western movies, biting the bullet while sucking down whiskey may come across manly, but the pain will still be near when you wake up.
    Hope this help out.
    Rick the Pharmacist
    to prevent alcoholic addiction
    Yeah, that'll take carefulness of the ole bronchitis.
    Are you serious or are you just bored?
    Becaus it is the mete out
    No idea but it sounds moral to me. I'll meet you down the lump ;o)

    Why do our eyes glow when we cry, are tired or hold a headache?

    Why do our eyes glow when we cry, are tired or hold a headache?
    cry: blood dilation, partly of the blood rushed through the crack duct to force out tears.
    tired: Blood dilation, the blood unable to move actively surrounded by your eye area, that's why u may get hold of "panda eye"
    Headache: Rush of blood to your head. Includes your eye.
    Dilatation of tiny blood vessel in the sclera.
    due to excess flow of blood, not solitary when you cry. It happens when an external particle enters eyes and also when tired. If you spend more time contained by front of a TV or computer , eyes become red. Take a hanky, wet it surrounded by ice cold marine, close eyes and keep it on them for some time. This is the easiest remedy.

    Why do our bodies shiver when we are cold?

    Why do our bodies shiver when we are cold?
    The muscle movement burns energy and creates temperature.
    beause it's taking the heat out of our bodies.
    It help to increase circulation and to keep the body temp up.
    It's an automatic neuro response to support keep your blood flowing and thaw you. Once you stop shivering and are still in the cold later you have to start worrying.
    Shivering cause the body to produce heat. It also cause fatigue that, in turn, lead to a drop in body
    heat. Air movement around your body affects heat loss. It have been calculated that a in your birthday suit man
    exposed to still air at or in the order of 0 degrees C can protract a heat stability if he shivers as hard as he can.
    However, he can't shiver forever.
    Bodies shiver when we are cold because our heat drops in our blood stream. We hold different blood types. You can be an anemic or you may need more vitamins. Or it may be of late cold inside or outside. Just bring a sweater along (smile).
    so as to produce heat muscles act as body heater
    It is an invountary motion caused due to an increased circulation.
    It's your body's agency of trying to get thaw out and generate heat.
    When boil is taken out of our body, shivering helps our bodies to gain fry because we don't have fur.
    because the heat inside the body is not equal to the temperature of the surroundings.

    why do nurses and physicians use 70% alcohol to wipe the skin up to that time giving an injection?

    why do nurses and physicians use 70% alcohol to wipe the skin up to that time giving an injection?
    Alcohol sterilises the site of injection. It is cheap.
    In order to prevent infections form occuring. If you would inject those without first cleanign the nouns, it is possible that bacteria or other substances from the skin's surface may be pushed into the interior of the body beside the needle, so they try to prevent this by swabbing the nouns with alcohol. The alcohol doesnt capture rid of the bacteris, but it effectually kills them, which finances that they wont be able to replicate once contained by the body.
    Hope this helps
    70 percent alcohol is bactericidal.wipe the skin removes the bacteria from the skin and prevents microbes being injected into the tissues
    This is the most bacteriocidal percentage.
    To shrink the number of bacteria on the skin that could bring back transported inside the body by the needle.
    To sterilise the site of injection and thus prevent infection, when the skin is punctured.
    I've other found it very interesting that they swab the site on the arm of a being who is sentenced to die by leathal injection. Infection is the least of their worries.
    Alcohol sterilises the skin. Your skin is extremely dirty even though you take showers. There is so much on your skin you don't know roughly speaking. If something is going in your body it have to be clean. Also doctors don't want you to carry a infection from the needle.
    In charge to prevent infections due to bacteria on the injection site.