A definition of practice is "to be professionally involved in". So there's no stretching of the word or anything. Its just a different definition than the commonly used "to carry out work repetitively so as to become proficient."
maybe coz they practice prescription??
it doesn't mean they are practicing close to practicing baseball before a spectator sport, it means they do it for a living.
Note: It is Practice not practise. Get it right.
Because they're trying to bring back better at it. They are lucky in that they can bury any mistakes they put together while they are still learning.
Why is a shop call a shop?? its just the cross of the place in which they work, thats adjectives. No specific reason why.
Cause they similar to to practice on their patients
Not only doctors use that word practice for their profession. But also accountants, lawyer, architects, engineers. It's just my two cents worth---because while within school, they revise all the theories, and when they work, they achieve to apply, or practice the theories that they learned.
One daytime they might get accurate at it
It is because they do not know what they are doing half the time and they revise on the job a large amount - you know the score; "try these pills for a week and if you are no better come backbone and see me again"
Because they 'practice' medicine
If you enjoy a GP like mine you would know everything he does is in recent times practice,if smoking drinking and eating red meat is not the create he as a problem.
It is derived from Latin and Greek "praxis", meaning practical application or exercise of a branch of research.
That seems entirely appropriate and accurate.
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