Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why do u want 2 monitor Hgb & Hct draw at smallest 1 hr after the later part of blood product have completed?

Look i know what Hgb= Hemoglobin and Hct= hematocrit tests are..but why do you inevitability 1 hr after last section of packed RBCs have completed. Why one make effect? Can you explain within a rationale here.Why do u want 2 monitor Hgb & Hct draw at smallest 1 hr after the later part of blood product have completed?
1) To make sure the blood administered have altered the blood density as intended. 2) to be sure you are not losing it and need more.
The red blood cell counts will be more accurate as the blood plane at that time will have elevated and show up on a blood assessment determining that blood infusion effective. The blood test obtained after that one hour will show even more progress/effectiveness of the transfusion.

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